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LexPray 2018 – 24/7 Prayer Easter Week!

Once again, we are partnering with friends throughout the city of Lexington to host a week of non-stop prayer Easter week!  LexPray, which started in a spare bedroom of a simple church family several years ago, is now happening at the Prayer Room on Broadway.  This is a great opportunity for you to join together with the city church in Lexington to connect with God in a special way.  Sign-up today for a time slot and let’s fill the whole week as we focus on the Risen Christ this Easter season! How does it work? Once you sign up, you… Read More »LexPray 2018 – 24/7 Prayer Easter Week!

Listening To God (Download Free Book!)

If a person states that God speaks to them on a regular basis they are considered a bit kooky in many Christian circles.  With our wider cultural context in mind, imagine the firestorm that would stem from one of our presidential candidates declaring that he frequently hears God speak. Yet, Jesus tells us: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. – John 10:27 The idea that God communicates in an understandable way to His disciples is not only foundational to the Bible and the Christian faith, but possibly at the core of discipleship–being one… Read More »Listening To God (Download Free Book!)