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What is God saying to your simple church?

I wanted to link this great post over at  Felicity Dale shares how her simple church community came together to sense God’s leading:

Simple/organic churches can be inward looking. But when we seek Jesus, making him the center of everything that goes on and we ask him what is on his heart, we may find things change…


A few months ago, our simple/organic church spent time learning to listen to God. Each week we did different activities to hone those skills. One week, our activity was for everyone to spend 15 minutes alone asking the Lord the question, “What would you say to us as a group?”


When we came back together again, more than 50% of the group had heard the same message. The word came in various different ways:

Read the entire post HERE

I would like to challenge us all to ask the Lord this question as well.  Can we spend some time alone with the Master this week seeking his direction for our simple church?  Perhaps we can share with each other below what He says…

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