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Blog posts that contain references to books that are related to simple church

Recommended Readings (Updated)

Looking for a good book to read this summer? Perhaps you might enjoy one of the books from the recommended readings list? This list includes several books that the Lord has used to help me see come to the scriptures with fresh eyes and better understanding His desire for The Church and discipleship.

What A Night!

Thanks to everyone who made it out last night to our Simple Church Alliance network Christmas gathering!  It was a great time and I only wish I could have spent more time getting to know all the new folks a bit more and connecting with old friends! …Hopefully we will see everyone again soon in 2017! * You can check out some photos from last night HERE. (if you have some good ones please shoot them to me if you don’t mind!) * We recorded the music and hope to have “A Simple Church Christmas Vol.2” available by next Oct.  You can download Vol. 1… Read More »What A Night!

Luke 10 Manual – Steve and Marilyn Hill (Free eBook)

The Luke 10 Manual is a great resource that we have linked here before.  It exists on many sites on the web but often time those sites can vanish making our links broken (occasionally you can find a paperback copy from Amazon as well).  To make sure that you can find and access this resource,  I am hosting it now here on our site (If this is a problem with anyone related to this book, then please let me know.) Tony and Felicity Dale did a great time leading us through the principles found in Luke 10 at our conference… Read More »Luke 10 Manual – Steve and Marilyn Hill (Free eBook)

Simple Church Revolution – Free Book

I wanted to make everyone aware of a great FREE resource.  I recently revisited Roger Thoman’s free ebook “Simple/House Church Revolution” and it is really a great resource for anyone considering simple/house church ministry.  In addition, since it is free, sharing this resource with friends could be an excellent starting point to see who might be interested in joining you on the simple church journey!  Always know that we are here to help train, encourage, and support you along the way so let us know who we can serve you! Click Here to Download From the back cover: Simple/House Church… Read More »Simple Church Revolution – Free Book

A Simple Celebration (Guest Blog)

A Simple Celebration by Nate Smith This past Sunday night was the Simple Church Alliance’s summer celebration.  A gathering of all the home churches in the Lexington area.  Unfortunately I was the only person from our home church that was able to go, but I represented well with suspenders and all.  I am grateful to attend the monthly leadership meetings and know quite a few people that I caught up with.  It is just refreshing to see everyone.  For me, even more refreshing seeing children.  I love living in downtown Lexington, but not seeing this age demographic on a regular basis… Read More »A Simple Celebration (Guest Blog)

Listening To God (Download Free Book!)

If a person states that God speaks to them on a regular basis they are considered a bit kooky in many Christian circles.  With our wider cultural context in mind, imagine the firestorm that would stem from one of our presidential candidates declaring that he frequently hears God speak. Yet, Jesus tells us: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. – John 10:27 The idea that God communicates in an understandable way to His disciples is not only foundational to the Bible and the Christian faith, but possibly at the core of discipleship–being one… Read More »Listening To God (Download Free Book!)

Guest Blog: A Transition To Simple Church

By Nate Smith Church has always been a part of my life. I have a ton of relatives that are ordained and it goes back generations. Personally, I have found the aspect of going to church very frustrating. I am a bit of a nomad. I have moved every year for the past 4-5 years. I have made good friends in the places I have lived, however, church has been… disappointing. First, I am not a morning person. Maybe, I should be excited to go to church at 10 am and awkwardly greet the person in the pew next to… Read More »Guest Blog: A Transition To Simple Church

Free E-Book: Discipleship In Church Planting

There is a great free resource available online from Dr. J.D. Payne (who will be leading our time together this Friday for our special Simple Church Training).  The 55 page e-book entitled Discipleship in Church Planting includes some great thought-provoking questions for anyone seeking to make disciples and see church communities birthed and multiplied. Click Here To Get The Book Free!

Twelve Advantages to Simple Church

I am reading Wolfgang Simpson’s book The House Church Book: Rediscover the Dynamic, Organic, Relational, Viral Community Jesus Started.  In this book, he highlights twelve advantages to house church and I would like to share them with you.  From what I have read so far, I would also like to encourage anyone looking for a concise and clear understanding of the simple/house/organic church movement to pick up a copy of this book. 1.  Discipled Multiplication 2. Persecution-proof structure 3. Freedom from church growth barriers 4. More efficient involvement of a higher percentage of people 5. A break from the pastoral… Read More »Twelve Advantages to Simple Church

Lessons From The Fields

Neil Cole recently posted an excerpt from the book Organic Church describing what he would do differently if he planted a church today knowing now all that he has learned over the years.  Since in simple church we urge everyone to think of themselves as a potential church planter, I thought that it would be good to point you to these very important lessons. Read the entire article with explanations HERE 1. Begin in the Harvest and Start Small. 2. Allow God to Build Around Others 3. Empower Others from the Start 4. Let Scripture Lead Not Your Assumptions 5.… Read More »Lessons From The Fields