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What In The World Are We Doing?

Sometimes in simple church, this question can be heard echoing in the back of our brain. Sometimes the question is an accusation from the enemy (that we are really doing nothing of significance with our lives or that whatever we are doing is wrong). However, sincerely spoken it can be a powerful prayer… “God…what are we doing?… What are You doing and how do You want to involve me?” This Saturday, we will sincerely ask the Lord this question. What are we to be doing? With whom? Why? How? Simple church, while simple in form, is not easy. We believe… Read More »What In The World Are We Doing?

Simple Church Camp Out! (March 23-24)

Brice Burton in Somerset and Chris Phebus here in Lexington are going to head up a camping trip for simple church folks and their friends.   The camp out will take place near Somerset in the Daniel Boon National Forest.  You will be able to drive a car to the site.  We’ll have some mild hiking opportunities, caving, repelling, and there is a nice waterfall as well!  You can come for one night or two.  Tons of fun for whole family!!!  Contact Chris at to get signed up and included on all the details. View This Event On FACEBOOK

“Missional House Churches” with Dr. J.D. Payne – Nov. 11

Come and join us for this special simple church training as we welcome Southern Seminary professor and author of the book Missional House Churches, Dr. J.D. Payne.  Dr. Payne will come and share his research on house church communities across the US that are living out the Great Commission.  Please come and learn more about this fascinating movement that his happening all around us!  Feel free to and bring your questions and your kids!  Childcare provided as well as pizza for all.  The even is free.  Please RSVP by emailing us here or at our event page on “The City”… Read More »“Missional House Churches” with Dr. J.D. Payne – Nov. 11