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Part 4: Intentional Discipleship

Today is part four of a series on my recent trip to meet Kazakhstani and Italian house and simple church leaders.  In my last post I shared how the trip re-emphasized to me the importance of seeing church primarily as a “way of life.” Today I reflect on how the importance of intentional discipleship as a characteristic of this way of life was highlighted during my travels. Intentional Discipleship I was really encouraged that many people we encountered emphasized discipleship.  Cru and other ministries are making relational investments in many people by focusing on intentional discipleship.  David reminded me and… Read More »Part 4: Intentional Discipleship

Part 3: Church As A Way Of Life

Over the last two posts, I have shared some of my experiences on my recent trip to meet Kazakhstani and Italian house and simple church leaders.  Over the next few posts, I would like to some take-a-ways that I hope will continue to impact my life and those of us here at home. Church As a “Way of Life” On this trip, I was affirmed and encouraged by a key truth that I often repeat: being the Church is a way of life, not a meeting or a service.  In my humble opinion, decentralization will be a common feature of… Read More »Part 3: Church As A Way Of Life

Part 2: Italy

This is part 2 of a multi-part series on my recent trip overseas to visit with ministry leaders and specifically house/simple church leaders in Kazakhstan and Italy.  You can read part 1 about Kazakhstan here.  In he next several days I will be sharing some take-a-ways from this experience.  But for today… Italy I was greeted in Italy by John (Juan Carlos) and Betsy.  I met them through a common friend Ed Magnum during the pandemic.  Over the past several years, we have had many conversations online about simple church and they have been excited to be a part of… Read More »Part 2: Italy