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Mega Church planting House Churches?

Northland Church in Florida recently caught my attention.  Northland is a mega church seeking to be a “church distributed.”  Their vision for distributing the church, according to their website, is to plant simple churches.  The even have a directly-linked page dedicated to simple church planting that is similar to this site.  Also, you will see a link to a special training site that includes 11 video teachings and notes to help people start simple churches. Here is a video on their churches main website that features the first lesson in their simple church training:   Without question, the Church in… Read More »Mega Church planting House Churches?

Mega House Church (Rap)

Most of my life I have enjoyed satire.  Satire will often seek to approve of or accept as normal ideas that the satirist is actually seeking to attack.  Such is the case in this goofy song that applies attractional, hierarchical, personality driven, pulpit centered, church growth, clergy/laity ideas to simple/house/organic church ministry.