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University of Kentucky

Guest Blog: Where One Became Two (And Many More!)

Where One Became Two (And Many More!) Guest Blog by Luke Long, Univerity of Kentucky Student   I had the privilege of joining many wonderful people from around the region and nation at the Simple Church Conference in Lexington, KY a few weekends ago. The conference was full of bold insight and wisdom that spoke deeply into my life concerning both the realms of women in leadership, and the organic simple church movement that is exploding across this nation. The Spirit was teaching, transforming and molding my heart, and it showed! Laughter and tears were abundant as many stories of… Read More »Guest Blog: Where One Became Two (And Many More!)

Our Year In Simple Church (part 4) By Luke Long

I was introduced to the idea of simple church this year. After meeting with Gavin a few times, I started a simple church in the honors dorm at UK. Meeting twice a week, we attracted dozens of brilliant students that had written off church for life. After school ended for summer, this incredible group of people created an online bible study that met three times a week online using a video conference site called Google+. In July I left for Hong Kong, and gave the administrative responsibilities for the group to Steven, a man who had never read the Bible… Read More »Our Year In Simple Church (part 4) By Luke Long

Church In My Dorm?

Below is a short encouragement and follow up from this blog post: Gavin came to speak at the Perspectives class on UK’s campus a few weeks before the end of the semester. After hearing about the simple church movement, I had an idea that I couldn’t get rid of: start a church in my dorm. So many people and things were telling me not to go forward with it; it was too late in the semester, I was crazy, that’s heretical. But I went for it anyway. God’s movement stirred up some commotion in my dorm. Everyone was talking about… Read More »Church In My Dorm?