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We Are Church

Francis Chan: Chuck E. Cheese Church?

In a recent Charisma magazine article, Francis Chan shared more on his journey from megachurch pastor to simple church planter. Chan doesn’t think the standard church model is wrong.  But he does think it’s often distracted from what matters.  He compares it to throwing a birthday party for his son.  He could invite a few friends over to celebrate his song and give him gifts.  He could also rent out Chuck E. Cheese and give everyone all the tokens they could want.  Undoubtedly more kids would come to the second party.  But it’s no longer a celebration for his son:… Read More »Francis Chan: Chuck E. Cheese Church? – Francis Chan

Recently a new friend asked if I knew about what Francis Chan was doing in California.  My friend thought that our work here sounded similar to “We Are Church,” The ministry Francis Chan started a few years ago.  So I visited their website and this is how they describe their “structure.”  What do you think? Now it’s one thing to identify these four values, but it’s certainly another thing to be part of a body that actually exhibits these qualities. In truth, these biblical values aren’t new at all, and many contemporary churches claim to pursue these values, but both the Bible… Read More » – Francis Chan