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wolfgang simpson

Recommended Readings (Updated)

Looking for a good book to read this summer? Perhaps you might enjoy one of the books from the recommended readings list? This list includes several books that the Lord has used to help me see come to the scriptures with fresh eyes and better understanding His desire for The Church and discipleship.

Twelve Advantages to Simple Church

I am reading Wolfgang Simpson’s book The House Church Book: Rediscover the Dynamic, Organic, Relational, Viral Community Jesus Started.  In this book, he highlights twelve advantages to house church and I would like to share them with you.  From what I have read so far, I would also like to encourage anyone looking for a concise and clear understanding of the simple/house/organic church movement to pick up a copy of this book. 1.  Discipled Multiplication 2. Persecution-proof structure 3. Freedom from church growth barriers 4. More efficient involvement of a higher percentage of people 5. A break from the pastoral… Read More »Twelve Advantages to Simple Church

“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)

Well sort of a live blog… I’m going to attempt to post insights I gather from the conference below. I’m not completely sure if this will work so hang with me. 11:24AM – heading out from hotel.  Looking forward to the day and all the the Lord is going to teach us.  Marylin Walker just arrived and we got our entire crew together now!  A couple of websites to take note of on the conference and on Exponential in general: 8:54PM – Well the whole “live blog” thing really didn’t work very well.  Couldn’t figure out how to… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)