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Good Friday Gathering – March 29 6:30PM

Simple Church Alliance Friends… We are hosting a worship gathering on Good Friday, March 29 at 6:30 PM at The Prayer Room on Broadway in Lexington (1218 South Broadway, Lexington, KY)! We’d love to have you join us! We will have coffee and some light refreshments. RSVP’s are appreciated. If you would like to share a song, testimony, or Easter related reading come prepared to do so! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! See you on March 29th!

Good Friday Worship and Prayer (Network Gathering)

You are invited to a Good Friday worship and prayer gathering on April 15th from 6:30-8pm!  Let’s come together this Good Friday at the Prayer Room on Broadway in Lexington, KY!  Local house church friends will lead this time of worship and prayer. If you would like to share a poem, song, or scripture during this time, come prepared to share it. We hope you can join us! This event is for all in the city and especially those of us in simple/house/organic church communities that are looking to connect and worship with others in the region.  RSVP’s are welcome… Read More »Good Friday Worship and Prayer (Network Gathering)

Spring Network Gathering – April 10

UPDATE: We are good Saturday… Rain or Shine!  If rain, we will be in the large “tabernacle” on there grounds with plenty of space to spread out to your comfort level.  Plus putt putt will be indoors too!   Simple Church Friends, The Saturday after Easter (April 10th) we will host a Spring Network Gathering at Adventure Serve in Wilmore, KY!  We will be outside in their amphitheater and enjoy music, prayer, and and time of encouragement.  Also, Adventure Serve was the recipient of a portable Putt-Putt golf course and since it’s Masters Tournament weekend, I thought we’d have a golf… Read More »Spring Network Gathering – April 10

Good Friday Network Gathering

We will host a Good Friday worship and reflection gathering at the Prayer Room on Broadway in Lexington KY on Good Friday (April 10) at 7 pm! This time will feature worship and easter reflections from various simple church friends from the region.  We hope you and your family can make plans to celebrate Easter with us during this special simple church network gathering.  Light refreshments will be available.  If you desire to participate by sharing a scripture reading, song, poem, please let us know or just come prepared to share.  This is a great opportunity to bring friends and… Read More »Good Friday Network Gathering

Summer Network Gathering – July 27

Hey folks! Save The DATE! We will be out at the Wheeler’s farm for a day/evening of fellowship and fun. 1 pm-??? What:  100ft. Slip’n Slide, worship by the creek around 6pm. Bring a picnic dinner, swimming attire (if you want) and a chair and come hang out with friends of Simple Church Alliance! Where:  2302 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY  (enter in the driveway by the big rocks!) What to Bring:  Bring your own food and drinks… blanket, or chair, towel and a dry change of clothes if needed!     RSVP Please by emailing us at   

Network Easter Gathering – April 1

We want to invite all simple churches, their friends, and family throughout the region to come together this Easter Sunday morning (April 1st) for a time of worship and testimony! We are going to pack out The Prayer Room on Broadway for a lively morning of singing and stories of new life followed by a lunch at First Southern Bank Community Room for any and all who can join us! Worship and Stories of New Life! Have you or someone in your simple church experienced new life in Christ this past year?  Have they experienced a fresh start as a result of… Read More »Network Easter Gathering – April 1

LexPray 2018 – 24/7 Prayer Easter Week!

Once again, we are partnering with friends throughout the city of Lexington to host a week of non-stop prayer Easter week!  LexPray, which started in a spare bedroom of a simple church family several years ago, is now happening at the Prayer Room on Broadway.  This is a great opportunity for you to join together with the city church in Lexington to connect with God in a special way.  Sign-up today for a time slot and let’s fill the whole week as we focus on the Risen Christ this Easter season! How does it work? Once you sign up, you… Read More »LexPray 2018 – 24/7 Prayer Easter Week!

June 4 – Network Worship By The Creek

Please join friends of simple church for an awesome evening on Hickman Creek as we enjoy a time of worship and fellowship with our extended friends and family!   TIME: Sunday, June 4, 6-9 pm Music: We are inviting simple churches from the region to lead us in a set of worship songs.  If you or you simple church is interested, please let us know! RSVP: If you help lead a simple church, then please RSVP for the total number of folks coming with your group.  If you are not connected to a simple church community, then just RSVP for you,… Read More »June 4 – Network Worship By The Creek

Summer Network Gathering – July 30

  July 30th, we will return to the Wheeler’s Farm for a network wide summer gathering.  Worship, Prayer, Fellowship, Picnic, Fishing? Rock Skipping? Playing in the creek? The possibilities are endless.  We even hope to celebrate baptisms! Simple Church Summer Network Gathering Saturday July 30, 6-9PM Music By Gideon Maki What To Bring: Your Own Picnic Dinner (Food, Drinks, utensils, etc.) Chairs/Blanket Water shoes (if you want to get into the creek) Everyone in your simple church community! flashlight A Friend (or two or three) A Song or Encouraging Testimony To Share? (optional)   Baptism:  Would you like to take… Read More »Summer Network Gathering – July 30

Easter Network Gathering

Join us for a picnic*, fellowship, worship, encouragement, and an Easter egg hunt for the kids!  Let’s come together to celebrate our risen Lord with simple church friends and family from across the region.  We will meet inside from 10:30-12:30 and the trails will be available afterwards for you to enjoy throughout the day.  If you are a current simple church leader, it is very helpful if you can email and RSVP  for your group by Good Friday.  If you would like to share a testimony, poem, song, story, prayer, etc., come ready to do so.  If you have questions contact Gavin… Read More »Easter Network Gathering