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Church Plant Update!

Church Plant Update.

Hello!  Well we have finished the class “A Vision for Being the Church.”  It has been great to hear how God has worked and is continuing to work in your life as you consider your involvement in this new work!

So what is next?

1.  No More Spectators. Next week I will begin leading a class entitled “No More Spectators.”  While not specifically for those interested in the new church, it will be important to the new work because we will address how we all can become active participants in the Great Commission—a key element to “simple church.”  You can watch the short intro video I put together below.

2.  Determine Participants. January 16 is the tentative “launch” of the simple church network.  Between now and then, there are some important questions that we will all need to be in prayer about.

  • Is God calling me to lead or co-lead a “simple church?”
  • Is God calling me to participate in a simple church beginning in January?
  • Do I have any unchurched friends that might be a good fit for joining a “simple church?”
  • How might I share the vision of this new work with my friends?

We are praying that in the coming weeks God will confirm the answer to these questions in your heart.  My hope is that if there are any unanswered questions about this new work, we can have an opportunity to discuss them in person.   As you sense God’s leading, please contact me and let me know how you see yourself being involved.  We will be in touch with you about where your simple church will meet.

3.  Leadership Training: For those that answer “yes” to the first question, we will continue gathering at my house on Sunday evenings at 4pm.  This week we will pass out study guide to the book of Acts.  We will look at the “multiplication factors” of the early church over the course of the next 6 weeks as well as make preparations for the launch in January.

A Question about Teenagers…

In speaking with a few of you who have teenagers, I wanted to make a few things clear.  As someone who worked with teenagers over the last 11 years, I care deeply that teenagers grow in their faith.  Your decision to be a part of this church plant in no way means that you will have to remove your children from the youth group at FAC or any other church for that matter.  As we flesh out this “simple church network” we are very blessed to be able to utilize the great youth and children’s ministry here at FAC.  Our hope is that if any transition away from involvement in these ministries happens, it would happen naturally at your own pace as ministry and fellowship opportunities organically emerge from within the network.  I am convinced that this way of church life has the potential to not only be fun, exciting, and engaging for our youth, but also highly impactful to their personal walk with Christ.

Again, thank you for walking down this road with us up to now!  I would love to be able to sit down with you one-on-one to address and questions you may have so never hesitate to call.  That is what I am here for!

I look forward to hearing from you!

The destination is the journey,



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