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Free Five Fold Survey

For the past several months, those involved in leading, co-leading, or considering to lead simple church communities have been examining the importance of the five-fold ministry laid out in Ephesians 4.

You may recall that I encouraged everyone to consider if they tend to “function” as an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, or Teacher (APEST). You may also recall that I pointed everyone to an online assessment that I later discouraged because I felt that it was not really helpful or accurate (and it cost money). Well, this week I found another online five-fold ministry assessment that is FREE. While I generally do not tend to be a big fan of these types of assessments, I actually thought this one had great questions and was helpful to a degree. Plus it was free. Did I say it was free?

Take the test HERE:

Join us Oct. 10 when we will be discussing the roll of the Apostle at our monthly Simple Church Training! @ First Southern National Bank – 6-7:30PM.

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7 thoughts on “Free Five Fold Survey”

  1. Pingback: APEST - Going Forward - Simple Church Alliance | Simple Church Alliance

  2. Pingback: APEST - Simple Church Alliance | Simple Church Alliance

    1. did you see the link listed above? It should work. If not, contact us through this site and I will get in touch with you and see if i can help further.

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