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Easter Celebration Gathering – This Sunday!

This Easter Sunday (5pm @ FAC Gym, located at 2201 Old Higbee Mill Road in Lexington), we will celebrate the new life Christ makes possible through His that conquered death once and for all.  Join us as we hear testimonies from those in the simple church alliance of how the Risen Savior has personally and radically changed their life.  At the Easter Celebration Gathering, we will enjoy a time of worship, fellowship and a communion meal together as well.  We hope that you can join us and bring your friends and family.  This is a great opportunity to meet others who are a part of the growing number of people who worship Jesus outside the walls of “Legacy” churches.

FOOD:  Once again, Simple Church Alliance will provide DRINKS, PLATES, NAPKINS, and UTENSILS.  We will ask every simple church to bring food enough for their simple church and any guests that they anticipate will be joining.  This means a main entree, sides and dessert.  In other words, just prepare a meal like you do every other week and we’ll put it all on the table to share.

STORIES OF NEW LIFE!  The invitation to share your testimony is still open.  The theme is new life and if you would like to share how you became a Christian (or a recent testimony of how God is making you into a new person!) you will have the opportunity.  Please let me now if you would like to participate as it will help us think through our time together.

BABY DEDICATIONS:  The Jenkins Family (Toby, Stephanie, Zach and Silas) and the Duerson family (Clay, Katie, Addison, and Walker) will be dedicating their children.  If you know these families and would like to come prepared to offer them a blessing or encouragement that would be wonderful.

HELP?: If anyone would like to help set up (3pm) or help with serving food/making coffe and drinks.  Let me know.  We don’t need a ton of folks but a few people looking out for things seems to be helpful.

We look forward to a wonderful time of fellowship, worship, encouragement, testimony, and celebration of the Lord’s Supper with you!


If you or someone in your simple church would be interested in sharing a short personal story of how Jesus has changed your life, then please contact Gavin for more information!


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