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Imagine the Possibilities

What if…

What if a church did not have to have a staff?

What if a church did not have to have to own/rent a facility in which to meet?

What if a church did not have to have a pulpit?

What if a church did not have to have a sound system?

What if a church did not have to have a youth minister?

What if a church did not have to have an office?

What if a church did not have to have a bulletin?

What if a church did not have to have a stage?

What if a church did not have to have a budget?

What if a church did not have to have a payroll?

What if a church did not have to have a nursery?

What if a church did not have to have leaders with seminary experience?

What if a church did not have to have a 30-45 minute polished sermon?

What if a church did not have to have good worship music?

What if a church did not have to have to end by a certain time?

What if a church did not have to meet at the same time each week?


It’s interesting that in the Bible you will find none of these things present in the New Testament church, but it’s hard to come by a “church” today that doesn’t see such things as essential to “ministry.”  I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong that churches have these things, but I do think that the possibilities are endless if we could grow to think of church as not needing these things.  What if we could return to a more primitive, New Testament form of Christianity where such ideas and apparatuses were not essential for “church.”

Imagine the possibilities…

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