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Our Year in Simple Church – by Travis Spann

I recently asked several simple church leaders to write a short summary of their year in simple church.  This is the first in a series of posts that will feature their responses.  I pray that their unique experiences and stories provide encouragement for you in your journey.  (Would you like to contribute? There still is time to share your story too!  Send it by email and we’ll pass it along!)


Our involvement in the simple/house church world has continued to develop and change this past year. In October of 2012, Charis and I joined up with a couple of families in Wilmore to “take the next step” in our house church experience. The people we joined are dear brothers and sisters in Christ who we had been praying with on Saturday nights for a couple of years in a house here in Wilmore. The “next step” included Sunday afternoon accountability (similar to Life Transformation Groups), Monday night meal and fellowship, Thursday night meal and fellowship, and continuing our late night prayer meetings on Saturday nights. We have had various groups of people at the prayer meetings (Asbury students, other young adults, married couples, and older men and women of God) and we have seen meaningful ministry take place there in the last year.

Our vision is to partner with the Lord to prepare the city of Wilmore and the central Kentucky region for perpetual revival. We believe He has invited us to do our part in this widespread move of His Spirit by calling people to turn their hearts from the cares of this world and the sin that so easily entangles and turn fully to the Lord. This takes place through conversations in the workplace, fellowship during meals, preaching/teaching at home gatherings, corporate intercession at prayer meetings, and individual prophetic ministry in a variety of places. We feel the call to bring unity to the Body of Christ in Wilmore and are seeking God for practical ways to join Him in His unifying work. He has made it clear to us that in the days soon to come there will be shakings (economic, political, military related troubles) and glory (a genuine move of His Spirit beyond what we have ever seen) seen clearly in our region of central Kentucky. When the Lord did this type of work in the Bible, He had people to partner with Him in preparing for this activity. We have been in the process of responding to the Lord’s invitation to prepare ourselves and prepare others for what is coming. He also has clearly outlined some scriptures for us to focus on, namely several passages in Joel chapter 2 that tell us “the Day of the Lord is coming” so “turn to Me with all your heart…” and “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people…”. We have begun to do this, but know the Lord has much more for us to do in preparing ourselves and preparing the people. We also know the Lord has much to teach us through His body in Wilmore and this region. He is orchestrating a heavenly invasion here and we all have a part to play. We simply want to be faithful in doing the part He has called us to complete.

For the last several months, some of those who come to the prayer meetings have taken a more active role in inviting people to their homes for food, fellowship, worship, and prayer. Thursday night food, fellowship, and prayer now takes place at another house here in Wilmore. Starting in 2014, we will be rotating the prayer meeting location on a monthly basis between at least 2 different houses. We also sense there will be other changes orchestrated by the Holy Spirit as we have felt God preparing us for transition. We are posturing ourselves to hear His voice and are preparing to act upon what we hear. He is faithfully leading us and we are excited about the next step He will call us to take.

– Travis Spann, Wilmore, KY


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