On the second Wednesday of each month, we host an informal gathering and dinner for simple church leaders, soon to be leaders, and anyone interested in learning more about simple church. Here are a few reasons why we believe it is important to network with other simple churches:
1. Encouragement. We need to encourage one another on the mission God has for our simple church community .
2. APEST. Usually no one simple church has Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, and Teachers so networking with other simple churches help everyone to benefit from the these gifts to the church outlined in Ephesians 4.
3. Prayer. To listen to God together and gain a sense of what he is saying to the church in the region.
4. Receive Specific Teaching. Receiving valuable teaching and instruction on issues specifically related to simple church ministry.
5. Celebration. We come together to celebrate together what God is doing in other areas of the region.
6. Giving. Learn about ways to financially come together with others in simple churches to give to needs in the region.
7. Reproduction. We have seen that those seeking to go at it alone often become inward focused and can often fail to reproduce (usually resulting in the church’s death).
What other reasons have you found networking with other simple churches to be valuable?