Quick encouragements from the weekend:
* Prayed with several kids on Friday night in Murray, KY who wanted to begin a relationship with Jesus.
* Met with my friend Mike in Elizabethtown, KY on Friday. He was hosting his first simple church gathering that evening in his home.
* Had a wonderful visit with the Haynes family in Clarkson, KY. They have been training and meeting weekly with inmates at a local detention center to train and mentor a small group of guys who then were essentially starting simple churches in their “blocks.” Also listened to amazing testimony of how God is leading reconciliation efforts in their community.
* Spoke during both services at Harmony Christian Church in Georgetown, KY on the topic of discipleship. I sensed it was a timely topic for them. Met a man who is welcoming 20+ Muslims into his home regularly to build bridges and relationships.
* Witnessed a young boy get baptized by his grandfather then immediately baptize his younger sister.
* Enjoyed meeting a new family interested in learning more about simple church at the Wheeler’s Sunday night (during the second of three Fall Network Gathering opportunities for simple churches). Encouraged by Matt and Kristy and their hospitality and a refreshing time of prayer that they led. It was great to hear my 10-year-old son pray for several things on his heart and mind.
How has God encouraged you recently? Please share below!