Hello, Friends!
We have a big week ahead filled with lots of opportunities!
Wednesday: Simple Church “Experience” Training at our office at FSNB (3060 Harrodsburg Road). 6-8PM. Pizza provided. Children welcome. Come meet with others leading or preparing to lead simple churches. Park in back of bank and come up the stairs. If you can, please RSVP by emailing us here.
**Sunday: Fall Network Gathering @ Raven’s Run Nature Sanctuary – 10AM. Please bring a picnic lunch. We will start at 10am with a time of prayer, worship, and encouragement. Then we will enjoy a picnic together with our extended family and friends as well as hiking the beautiful trails. This will be a great opportunity to bring guests to introduce them to other people involved in our region and to the idea of simple church. More details HERE.
Also, this morning I had the opportunity to share with the folks at First Alliance Church about simple church and taught a class on discipleship. They prayed during their service that the Lord would lead members of FAC to plant simple churches. It is very unique for a traditional church to pray for such a thing to happen! Let’s join them in this prayer!
Monday and Tuesday: I will be in Columbus, OH meeting with several leaders starting simple church networks there. I am asking the Lord for wisdom concerning what role we might play in encouraging them. Prayers appreciated.
In case you missed it, here is a great article recently published in Christianity Today on simple church: Why Small Is Beautiful – Click To Read.
Lastly, I’ve included last month’s financial summary below. We ask for continued prayers for God’s provision for our family to lead this work.
Donations & Misc. Income 4,885.93
Expenses 6,033.05
For questions or to give, contact Rich Jirak at rcjirak@gmail.com
See you on Wednesday and Sunday!
Gavin Duerson