After some prayer and discussion with several of you, I want to introduce a slight adjustment to the format of our monthly simple church Google Hangouts.
The original intent for hosting the hangouts was to allow those of you who are a part of simple church outside of Central Kentucky to have a means for connecting with other simple churches. We continue to find that staying personally connected to others involved in simple church is an important aspect of helping one another be encouraged and focused. The Google Hangout, I believe has the potential to help those geographically separated from others to have a means for connection while God grows their community into a local network (more than one simple church).
To better improve the “Hangouts,” I would like would like to have those of you “out there” serve as hangout hosts. As a host, you would pick a time that is best for you and ideally your simple church to lead the online hangout. You would be asked to guide the topic of discussion or prayer. I would, in turn, work with you to spread the word about the hangout and encourage others to participate as well as handle the technical aspect of running the hangout. My hope is that this would allow for the following:
- An opportunity for others to peek into what God is doing in your area or simple church
- Provide a clearer focus for the hangout—for both you and those who might join the discussion
- Allow others to meet you and those with whom you are in fellowship
- Allow simple church leaders an opportunity to connect those in their simple church with others on a similar path
- Give you an opportunity to encourage others with what you are learning and/or receive instruction and encouragement specific to your present needs.
For this to happen, we would need you to do the following…
- Pick a month and a date. We can host more than one a month and any time slots are fair game (lunch or early morning?). We do not have to stick with the First Wednesday of the month at 8pm EST slot, but that does seem to work.
- Send us a Bio. Send me a short synopsis of your simple church and a picture if possible. The picture could be of you or of your simple church.
- Special Instructions? Include any instructions about the hangout that you would like to provide. Be creative! The “Hangout” could have a very specific theme or a more general theme. The main thing is that it comes from you and goes in a direction that you would find helpful.
I will contact you about the technical aspects of hosting the hangout. (We can still hose the hangout via simple church alliance google+ account).
Contact us today for more information or to schedule your “Hangout!”