January 18 We Reconvene!
If you lead, help lead, or are interested in being a part of a new simple church I can’t encourage you enough to make the “Third Wednesday of the Month” leadership gatherings! As we continue to spread out as a network, connecting with other believers on a similar journey can be a great way to stay sharp, challenged, and connected to the big picture of what God is up to! It’s our hope that these monthly gatherings can provide important prayer and encouragement to you and the work that the Lord is leading you in where you live! What is more, I can guarantee that your presence, perspective, and prayers will be mutually encouraging! We hope to see you Wednesday!
Each month, we invite simple church leaders in the region and anyone interested in leading simple churches to come together for an “experiential” training. We will have a meal together and discussion. You will be able to ask questions and share any prayer requests or encouragements. Check back here to see if there will be a specific focus for the month…
Simple Church “Experience” – The Third Wednesday of Every Month!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Simple Church Office @ First Southern National Bank (second floor)
3060 Harrodsburg Road
6-8PM – Pizza Provided – Kids Welcome!
RSVP by emailing Gavin here. This is very helpful as we calculate the amount of food to have available! Parkin in the rear of the bank. See you there!