The following is an excerpt from our friends in Jessamine Co, Kate and Kaleb, who lead a couple of simple churches there! God continues to do amazing things through their availability to young men and women in need. Read their entire newsletter here.
What’s Been Happening? New Life!
The best thing I can share with you from the last couple of months is that a young girl named Kailee gave her life to Christ. Here’s the simple version of the story that I’m sure started a big party in heaven.
Kailee started coming to our Wednesday simple church a few months ago with a group of her friends. She didn’t seem particularly interested in God, but she loves singing and we make a lot space for people to play music, sing, and hang out on the stage that we have. This was a big deal for Kailee, and her friends and others in our group gave her a lot of support and encouragement about her singing. I’ve been praying daily for Kailee and her friends who don’t know Christ but really thought they were a long way off (which of course is ridiculous of me because our God is mighty to save). Two weeks ago, I was on my way outside after our worship time had ended when Kailee walked back into the building and asked if she could talk to me. I said, “Yeah, what’s up.” She told me she had been dealing with a lot of hard stuff, the loss of her mom to cancer, sexual identity issues that she was told would send her to hell, fear of the future, and that when her ride pulled up to take her home she realized she couldn’t leave without getting saved. “So”, she said, “I want to get saved, can you help me.” I was blown away because it had been a chaotic night and just the moment before, under spiritual attack, I had been asking myself what we were doing. I shared the good news about sin, death, repentance, and salvation through Christ with her, and then she prayed, confessing her need for forgiveness and her faith in Jesus as Savior.
One of the coolest parts was that we were standing right in the entryway to the building with lots of teenagers coming in and out and listening to what was happening, but Kailee didn’t care about anything other than getting right with Jesus. She told me afterward that the faith and kindness of other young believers in our church showed her that she was missing something in her life, and that she felt she finally had a place to belong.
Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…”
We are so thankful that Kailee has believed.
God continues to draw the hurting, broken, and poor in spirit into our lives, and we want to be faithful in loving them, sharing truth with them, walking with them, and trusting God for their salvation. Pray for Kailee as she moves forward in her new relationship with Jesus.
Church = Family: A Testimony from Chirs
During our Life Transformation Group last week, my friend Chris shared about how much Jesus has changed his life through our church and how much it has meant to him over the past few years. There was much more to what he shared, but I asked him to send me a paragraph summarizing his thoughts.
“The thing I like about our church the most is how it’s like a family. I think most of the pain and trouble I got into growing up stemmed from loneliness. I’m an only child who grew up torn between two families since my parents are divorced. So for someone who has rarely felt like he has had a place of his own, it really means a lot to know there is somewhere you belong. I’ve went to different church’s growing up that made you feel empty after leaving, almost as if everything was just fake. The difference is the people. After all, the church is the people, not the building. People get so wrapped up in doing “good” things, that they often forget why they are doing them. God wants us to love him, and love people. To understand this command you must first understand love. True love makes all the difference in a church, and families help us understand what love really is.”