Several months ago I received a very encouraging message from a Justin in Vermont. Justin left a message that he had been through a type of crises related to his understanding of “church” and stumbled upon our website. There he found our podcast and listened to several of them and had decided to start a simple church himself. Over the past several months, I have been encouraged to meet with Justin, his friend Matthew, and members of their community via online meetings using Zoom (something I’m available to do with you as well!). Their simple church has been blessed to see God move as several folks have committed their lives to Christ in the short life of their church family. Seeds are even being sown for a second community in a neighboring town. Please be in prayer for them as they listen to God and seek to do what He says in the coming months! They also have a new website started (but still under construction) of their own…check it out here:
Thanks Gavin! Your support, advice and encouragement have been huge for us! God bless you brother!
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