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Simple Church Alliance Blog

Simple Church Opportunity: Apartment Complexes

I “tweeted” out the link below earlier, but I wanted to expand on the idea that this organization/ministry has embraced… When I was in college, it was not uncommon for leaders of Campus Crusade and other ministries to obtain RA jobs in the dorms.   Students could easily build relationships with students and share Christ with them.  The university enjoyed having dependable RAs who cared for the residents.  It was a natural fit.  Similarly, Apartment Living, a ministry based out of Texas, seeks to capitalize on both the need for apartment residents in the US to experience a loving community … Read More »Simple Church Opportunity: Apartment Complexes

A Billy Graham Prophecy?

Thanks to a Frank Viola Tweet, linking back to his blog, I can pass these interesting Billy Graham quotes along to you… Multitudes of Christians within the church are moving toward the point where they may reject the institution that we call the church. They are beginning to turn to more simplified forms of worship. They are hungry for a personal and vital experience with Jesus Christ. They want a heartwarming personal faith. Unless the church quickly recovers its authoritative Biblical message, we may witness the spectacle of millions of Christians going outside the institutional church to find spiritual food.… Read More »A Billy Graham Prophecy?

Letter To A New Believer

We recently had a lady from China pray to begin a new life with Jesus with one of the couples involved in The Simple Church Alliance. This past Sunday we had a “birthday party” for her and I thought I would share with you a letter of encouragement I gave to her… April 10, 2011 Dear *********** Even though you don’t know me, I want you to know that I have been praying for you and I’m very excited that you desire to begin a new life with Jesus as your Savior and Lord. I wanted to encourage you with… Read More »Letter To A New Believer

Stages On The Journey To Simple Church

As we continue to walk down the simple church road, I’m constantly aware that there are two types of people coming along with us. There are the “un-churched” whom for the most part find simple church a breath of fresh air. Since they have have not been apart of the traditional church culture, they really are not leaving any loved traditions behind to join this movement. However, for those of us who have been apart of the traditional church for some time and continue to see the good that the traditional church does in the Kingdom, there is a unique… Read More »Stages On The Journey To Simple Church

Movement to Monument

This is the video we watched during our Sunday morning network gathering.  Neil raises many of the issues we have addressed over the last 6 months in a clear and concise manor.  I would encourage every simple church to take time to watch and discuss the points addressed in this video.  I have typed out the 10 steps for going from a “movement to a monument” that are identified in the video as they were a little hard to read on the slides.  They are as follows: 1.  From Biblical Priorities to Non-Biblical Priorities – valuing methods and traditions sacred… Read More »Movement to Monument

Job Openings…

Felicity Dale, at recently ran some “wanted ads” for some of the leadership roles that you find in the Church. I thought it would be good for me to link the wanted ads here since many of the leaders involved in the Simple Church Alliance are presently studying simple church leadership and keeping a watchful eye out for those God has gifted in these areas.  Anyone interested in applying can simply contact me and we can arrange an interview 😉 (Click To See Ad) Wanted: Apostles Wanted:  Prophets Wanted: Evangelists Wanted:  Pastors Wanted:  Teachers

Upside-Down Leadership (Video)

Yesterday in our network gathering we watched the video below and had a lively discussion about all that is addressed.  If you are involved with us or interested in simple church (or leadership in general), then I would highly recommend that you watch this video.  I’m very grateful to the people at House2House for putting this together as it does an excellent job explaining what leadership in “simple church” is all about.  Indeed, your leadership is truly a gift to the body of Christ!

Trying To Play “Son House”

This past weekend I finally sat down to watch a documentary I have been eying ever since it arrived in theaters in 2008.   It Might Get Loud is a documentary on the electric guitar and three legendary guitarists: The Edge (U2), Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), and Jack White (The White Stripes). In the clip I’ve p0sted below, Jack White explains how the song, “Grinnin’ in Your Face” by Son House, affected him and the direction of his musical career.  Later in the film, he recounts that when forming The White Stripes, a band that featured only drums and a guitar… Read More »Trying To Play “Son House”

Meeting Ideas (part 2)

I mentioned yesterday in our network gathering at FAC that we had access to several small group lessons on DVD.  Here is a list of the videos that should be arriving soon.  Feel free to let me know if your group would like to check out one.  Again, we wouldn’t want the video or discussion guide to replace trusting the Holy Spirit and having an open forum, but perhaps this could be a great way for your group to focus on a particular subject for a few weeks and possibly even a way to invite guests to join you for… Read More »Meeting Ideas (part 2)