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Stages In The Simple Church Journey (Thurman)

1. Letting go of old paradigms of church life. This stage is described in a variety of ways from “taking the red pill,” to frustration with old wineskins to discovering what the Bible teaches about church life to…

Guest Blog: Simple Giving by Matt Wheeler

by Matt Wheeler How does the Bible inform our views on giving? God owns everything and everything that we have comes from him (1 Chron. 29:11-12): “Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.  Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.” We see examples of giving as a personal expression of worship (even before any laws were given… Read More »Guest Blog: Simple Giving by Matt Wheeler

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, on a day like Mother’s Day there are so many different emotions that we bring to you. Some of us bring emotions of deep gratitude and joy for the mothers you have blessed us with, mothers who have   loved us, cared for us, walked with us and taught us how to live well.   We praise you for such love shown to us through our moms and we pray for all those who are moms, that you would give them:   strength where they are weak, wisdom where they are unsure, patience with the many demands placed… Read More »A Mother’s Day Prayer


“As the Father has sent me so I am sending you.” John 20:21 Currently, the Lord is reminding me to live sent.  The Father sent Jesus to the World.  He sent the Holy Spirit to us.  Jesus sent out the 12 and the 70.  Now he sends us to go and make disciples.  I am amazed at how easily I have strayed from this truth, especially since the heart of Simple Church is this: We all are priests sent into the world to make disciples. “Church” emerges organically when and where disciples are multiplied. I know and understand this, yet… Read More »Go


One post to share some of the exciting things that the Lord is teaching me related to the Exponential Conference was getting too long!  So, hence the first in a series… ————— “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” John 14:15 The Great Commission calls us to “teach them to obey all that I have commanded you…”  Allow me to pose a question that was recently addressed to me: Do you know all that Jesus commanded?  If you are like me, you can probably come up several commands, but may not have a full grasp on “all”… Read More »Obey

“Exponential Conference” Day 3 Notes

Bible Study: Rick Warren “God doesn’t bless a program.  He blesses people.” (speaking about Christians attacking on another) “I can’t figure out my own motivation half the time so how could I possibly know yours.” “Don’t accuse and don’t ever defend yourself.” Billy Graham: “If you wrestle with a pig both will get muddy, but only one will like it.” “Leaders absorb the pain.  Wimps fight back and retaliate.” “The two most important words I can tell you for your ministry:  Study Jesus”   1 John 2:15-17 Bible says, “God so loved the world” and “don’t love the world.”  Which… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Day 3 Notes

“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

  Main Session 2 (Neil Cole)  “Exponential growth starts small but builds to rapid momentum in time.” (Neil Cole) “Movements are most vulnerable in the beginning.  Why? The seduction of addition. 2. Corrupted DNA and 3. Leadership dependency issues” “We have to enter in and challenge the structures that are ungodly” Note: You can hear some of the lessons today shared this great video: 10 Easy Steps to Move from a Movement to a Monument (Rob Wagner) I really enjoyed much of what Rob had to share.  He talked about the “three lenses” that they are seeing the church… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)

Well sort of a live blog… I’m going to attempt to post insights I gather from the conference below. I’m not completely sure if this will work so hang with me. 11:24AM – heading out from hotel.  Looking forward to the day and all the the Lord is going to teach us.  Marylin Walker just arrived and we got our entire crew together now!  A couple of websites to take note of on the conference and on Exponential in general: 8:54PM – Well the whole “live blog” thing really didn’t work very well.  Couldn’t figure out how to… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)

Birth Pains

By Karla Duerson There has been that moment every time.  He has to come out.  She has to come out.  This has been what I’ve been wanting.  Right?  Pregnant women know about the time to which I am referring.  The time when you realize that the baby has to come out—one way or another! Truthfully, when I reached the middle to end of my last trimester of pregnancy I was ready to hold my baby in my arms, not around my waist.  I delighted in carrying my Guy, Emma, Kendall and Beau within me, but I also cherished the thought… Read More »Birth Pains

Simple Church Opportunity: Apartment Complexes

I “tweeted” out the link below earlier, but I wanted to expand on the idea that this organization/ministry has embraced… When I was in college, it was not uncommon for leaders of Campus Crusade and other ministries to obtain RA jobs in the dorms.   Students could easily build relationships with students and share Christ with them.  The university enjoyed having dependable RAs who cared for the residents.  It was a natural fit.  Similarly, Apartment Living, a ministry based out of Texas, seeks to capitalize on both the need for apartment residents in the US to experience a loving community … Read More »Simple Church Opportunity: Apartment Complexes