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What Are We Inviting People Into?

When you think about reaching out to others, what do you invite them into? I believe that what is needed in the body of Christ is believers who are willing to generously offer Jesus-centered friendships to others they meet.  Far too often, we encounter spiritually interested folks and we invite them to our “meeting,” our “church,” or encourage them to “get plugged in” to some ministry.  However, for many of us we simply do not know how to practically invite people into a relationship with Jesus.  Often this can be because we simply do not feel qualified or capable to… Read More »What Are We Inviting People Into?

Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

  I have a close friend who regularly encourages and challenges me in my walk with Jesus.  Not only has he helped me greatly to understand what “church” can look like outside traditional walls, but he continually encourages me to consider the opportunities that America affords believers in the task of global evangelization.  After living in the Arab world off and on over the past several years, he has discovered one of the most effective means for initiating relationships and Gospel conversations with Muslims is… Facebook! Below is a document he is making available for anyone who would like to… Read More »Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

Is “Church” a Barrier To The Gospel?

Allow me to encourage you with a story about a young man on the campus of the University of Kentucky who has jumped into “simple church.” He began with an announcement in his dorm that there would be a simple church meeting to discuss “church.”

Moralism vs. Christ

Just moments ago, I had a great conversation with a gentleman from our simple church.  We discussed a topic that I brought up last Sunday during our gathering.  I mentioned the word “moralism” and I talked about it in a negative light (HERE is the link to the short devotion by Oswald Chambers that kicked off the conversation).  In one sense, being moral is certainly a good thing.  However, I seemed to suggest that moralism was not a good thing.  I think that reading the devotion above will help to clarify, but allow me to add a few other thoughts… Read More »Moralism vs. Christ

Mission Possible? (Audio)

This past Sunday I had the privileged to speak during both services at First Alliance (Lexington, KY).  The message I shared was in many ways a summary of the main truths that God has shown me so far in the simple church journey. Click the link below to download to your computer or listen online to the message.  The audio quality is not the best but hopefully it will be a blessing to you… Click to Download:  Mission Possible:  Six Truths That Will Make the Mission Possible Message Points: 1.  It’s Mission Not Missions 2. God Desires To Release the… Read More »Mission Possible? (Audio)

Sharing the Gospel Video

Below is the video we watched in the “No More Spectators” class today at First Alliance.  The video is of Mark Cahill witnessing/sharing the Gospel at the Pride festival in Atlanta, GA.  Enjoy this facinating dialogue and feel free to post your thoughts below!  Also, you can find out more about Mark Cahill here: [youtube=]

What is the Gospel?

Today in the “No More Spectators” class at First Alliance Church, we had a great discussion around the question, “What is the Gospel?”  While open to everyone, this class has been of special importance to those of us going on this “simple church” journey together.  The thing I love most about “simple church” is that the emphasis ends up not being on “church” at all–but on all believers becoming active participants in the Great Commission (as apposed to “spectators”). In our journey from spectator to disciplemaker, perhaps no issue is more crucial than understanding the Gospel. So what is the… Read More »What is the Gospel?