What is Simple Church?
This would be a great place to start if you have come to this blog in an attempt to figure out what in the world is going on at First Alliance with regards to the formation of a “simple church network.”
This would be a great place to start if you have come to this blog in an attempt to figure out what in the world is going on at First Alliance with regards to the formation of a “simple church network.”
I would encourage you to take a listen to some of these short audio teachings from Neil Cole. You can listen to them on your computer or download them to your ipod, etc. I think you will especially find the entry on “Starting Awakening Chapels” (4:50) to be of interest in light of the journey we are on here. VISIT AUDIO PAGE AT CMA RESOURCES HERE
Often I get the question, “Are there any other churches doing this?” when explaining the idea of a “simple church network.” While we know that many Christians outside of North America experience church differently than our traditional Sunday service-centered church, consider the following findings of the Barna Group that may be surprising: The most prolific response (in nationwide studies concerning house church involvement) comes when adults are asked if they have “experienced God or expressed (their) faith in God in a house church or simple church meeting in the past month,” regardless of whether it is affiliated with some other… Read More »On similar paths