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Simple Church Music Ideas

Last week in our simple church gathering, several of us shared songs with the group that held a special meaning to us and our journey with Christ.  It was a simple and significant meeting idea that I’m sure we will repeat in the near future.  We sang some songs together while others were played for everyone to listen to.  Sharing songs in this way allowed us to deepen our friendships with one another as we learned how music has impacted our walk with Christ.  I shared this idea with our leaders and Elizabeth Harris replied to me with an idea of her own…

I saw your idea for worship through song and thought I’d pass along something fun our group has done….Chris Phebus had a similar idea several weeks back, and he and Valerie ended up compiling all our requests/significant songs into binders we now use as “hymnals.” We’ve also from time to time read a passage of scripture for the children and let them interpret it through drawing. Then we used their drawings as covers for our song books.  (One time Chris read a crazy passage from Revelation, and we got some pretty awesome drawings!)

Blessings in this new week,

UPDATE: Recently, a young girl in our simple church wrote a song and shared it with the group!  Simple church provides a great opportunity for people to experiment with writing songs about God and then sharing them with the Body of Christ!  In many traditional church settings this would not be possible.  However, in simple church it can be encouraged!  Could you all either individually or collectively sing a new song?

UPDATE2:  Recently we made up a song about the vision and values of “simple church” and set it to the tune of the Battle Hymn of The Republic.  It turns out it’s easy to make up songs to that tune!  Perhaps your group could put a song to that tune that expresses the heartbeat of your simple church?

What ideas can you share?

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