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Zach Winters with Sylvie, Dana Vogel – POSTPONED

  UPDATE:  THIS SHOW HAS BEEN POSTPONED.  STAY TUNED AND WE WILL UPDATE FOLKS ABOUT A NEW DATE.  MEANWHILE, ENJOY ZACH’S MUSIC WHILE QUARANTINED! Earlier this year, I was excited to see that Zach Winters released a new album. I first heard of Zach Winters when I noticed a tweet from one of my favorite songwriters, Josh Garrels, giving a shout out to Zach Winters and the album Monarch.   I checked it out and immediately became a Zach Winters fan, as did Karla.  When his newest album, Love is a Garden, came out, I immediately purchased it and knew right… Read More »Zach Winters with Sylvie, Dana Vogel – POSTPONED