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The Weeks Ahead

Hello Everyone!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!  Our family is heading out in just a few moments to Atlanta to visit family but before we go I wanted to drop you a short update.

* This coming Sunday, we will be meeting at our home again for those who are “co-leading” a simple church (4pm – if we can all try to be here then that would be helpful since school starts Monday).
* Jan 9th, Steve is going to be commissioning Karla and I in both services.  We are going to have a commissioning service for all of you in a month or so.
* Jan 9th, we will also have a breakfast and time of prayer in during the second service for all of us (if anyone would like to help with a breakfast item, let me know).
* Jan 16th, will be the day we “launch” the simple churches (evenings) and we will begin our celebration/training time during the second service, in the dinning room.
* It looks like there will be 5 simple church groups meetings starting Jan 16th.  If you have not heard from someone concerning your simple church, you will soon.  If you are hoping to begin with us on the 16th, but have not confirmed that with me, then please let me know and we’ll get you in a group close to where you live.

As with everything, this is all subject to change should the Lord leads us.  This seems to be where he is guiding us up to this point and I must say I’m very excited!  I can’t wait to see what God does through ALL of us in 2011!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



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