I mentioned yesterday in our network gathering at FAC that we had access to several small group lessons on DVD. Here is a list of the videos that should be arriving soon. Feel free to let me know if your group would like to check out one. Again, we wouldn’t want the video or discussion guide to replace trusting the Holy Spirit and having an open forum, but perhaps this could be a great way for your group to focus on a particular subject for a few weeks and possibly even a way to invite guests to join you for a targeted topic. Note that some of the links also give you the option to preview the series.
The Reason For God – Tim Keller
The Me I Want to Be – John Ortberg
Where You Live Matters – Various
Love and War – John and Stasi Eldredge
The Whole Gospel – Various
Start Becoming a Good Samaritan – Michael Seaton
The Case For Christ – Lee Strobel
Collection 001 – Rob Bell
Other options we have access to are:
The Truth Project – Focus On The Family
Ray Vanderlaan Studeis (we have several of these at FAC)
Alpha Course
R12 True Spirituality – Chip Ingram