Is Evolution Important?
Is there really a case to be made against it?
As with many topics, the world has declared the debate over and the science settled. But is that really the case?
Simple Church is sponsoring Dr. Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International for a talk on Wednesday, March 30. Dr. Sarfati will be speaking on “Design, Deluge & Dilemma”. Come and hear Dr Sarfati expose the bankruptcy of the evolutionary myth. You’ll be amazed to see how weak the scientific evidence for evolution is.
This talk is child friendly so don’t hesitate to bring children and invite anyone you think might benefit from it. There will be a 55 minute presentation followed by a Q and A session.
Feel free to call me
Rich Jirak 859.797.2351
Lafayette Church of the Nazarene
264 Lafayette Pkwy , Lexington 40503, KY
Wednesday, March 30, 7:00 PM
Rich and his wife Connie are simple church leaders in Lexington. After meeting Dr. Sarfati last summer they have prayerfully pursued hosting his presentation here in Lexington. We hope you can join us on this special evening as God answers their/our prayer!
Is Evolution Important? Is there really a case to be made against it? As with many topics, the world has declared…
Creation / Evolution Discussion with Dr. Sarfati on March 30