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Ying and Grace Kai Story

This week I had the privilege to meet and spend a little time with Ying Kai and his wife and Grace. It was great to have my faith stretched by their amazing story, humble attitude, and burden for the world to know the love of Jesus. Ying and Grace have experienced the power of multiplication in China (a term we can sometimes misuse here in the United States to describe addition and sometimes even division).

Their story is a great encouragement and reminder to us that God is in fact a God of multiplication.  Through their example, we learn that when we expect multiplication to happen and we help others follow Christ in ways that are not dependent on complex systems and hierarchical structures of leadership. When we focus on the simplicity of the Gospel and disciple making, The Church can multiply and spread throughout entire populations by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ying and Grace have witnessed God organically give birth to thousands upon thousands of simple/house churches in China.  Here is an excerpt from an excellent article found at Mission Frontiers about their story and work with Training For Trainers.

Ying knew that he would have to do things differently to reach Nandong. He knew that merely adding disciples and churches would not be enough; he had to tap into the power of multiplication. As Ying prayed, God gave him three insights for those who are called to make disciples:

• Go, not come. The Great Commission does not say we are to invite people to come to us. It says we are to go. We must go where the lost are and train new believers to go also to the lost—into factories, homes, shops, and neighborhoods.

• Everyone, not some. We must make disciples of all, not just a few. We typically choose whom we want to share the gospel with, trying to prejudge who might accept it. But God said to share with everyone. We cannot predict who will believe and whom God will use to birth a movement.

• Make disciples and trainers, not passive church members. Jesus wants true disciples who obey his commands—including the commands to witness to others and train new believers to do the same. Every disciple must be a trainer.

Take a second and read the rest of the Ying and Grace Kai Story at Mission Frontiers :


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