Several years ago I had the picture in my mind of a harbor filled with families working to load up their belongings and family members into a multitude of sailboats. They each were getting in position to leave. They were not coming back. Each boat was filled with their family and friends and they were setting out on an incredible journey–a journey that no doubt would be filled with hardship and adventure, challenges and exploration of the unknown. Boats were loaded and friends and family were in place as they raised the sails. There was a slight breeze that began to blow. However, they knew that a powerful wind was coming and when it did, they would be ready to move.
Call this a “vision.” Call it a thought or picture. Call it crazy. This image has remained in my mind as our family serves through the Simple Church Alliance. In many ways, I see that the Lord has placed us here to encourage folks to get their boats in the water and prepare for the coming wind! To be sure, a breeze is already blowing!
In 2017, we were encouraged to see God move in significant ways. We have seen our simple church friends in Nicholasville baptize multiple new men and women into the Kingdom of God. We have connected with new friends in Washington D.C. who are being led to begin a network of disciple making simple church there. We witnessed a new simple church community form in Louisville. We have seen God bring new families into our simple church who have led friends to Christ and start discipleship groups in other states. We saw folks from Tampa to Cleveland and places in between come together for our 6th annual Simple Church Conference. We have witnessed several walk through the Zume Project: a new training tool to help believers begin making disciples and seeing simple churches started. We have continued to connect with new friends locally and regionally who have enjoyed our “Keep it Simple” podcast (which just finished it’s fourth year!). We have seen more visitors to our website ( than in any previous year! We saw a new skate church emerge in Nicholasville. Perhaps best of all, we saw are daughter Kendall enter the waters of baptism and decide to begin following Jesus!
Thank you for your support and making this possible for our family to serve in this capacity. It is very humbling. May we together, in 2018, spur one another on toward love and good deeds, making disciples who multiply and witnessing God build His church!
Gavin Duerson
If you would like to make a year-end financial gift online or become a monthly partner supporting the Duersons and their ministry with the Simple Church Alliance, click here. Your support is greatly appreciated!