Becoming a Church
LOOK UP: Acts 2:42-47, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34
PRACTICE: Discuss what your group needs to do to become like the church described in the passages. As a group, on a blank paper, draw a dotted line circle representing your own group. Above it, list 3 numbers: the number regularly attending [stick figure], the number believing in Jesus [cross] and the number baptized after believing [water].
If your group has committed to be a church, make the dotted line circle solid. If you regularly practice each of the following elements then draw a picture of the elements inside your circle. If you do not do the element or you wait for an outsider to come do it, then draw the element outside the circle.
1. Commitment to be a church: solid line instead of a dotted line.
2. Baptism-water
3. Bible-book
4. Commemorate Jesus w/bread and water-cup
5. Fellowship-heart
6. Giving and ministry-money sign
7. Prayer-praying hands
8. Praise-raised hands
9. Telling people about Jesus-friend
10. Holding hands with friend-led others to faith
11. Leaders-two smiling faces
What was your group missing that would make it a healthy church?
– Zúme Guidebook / Page 34
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I love the creative approach to getting Christians to interact with one another. I’ve been reading a book all about micro church that makes this exercise very applicable to my thinking right not. It’s called: ONE: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose From House To House by Henry Hon. Give it a quick web search.