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Discipleship Tool: Life Transformation Groups

How do I make a disciple?  Make no mistake, there is no formula or ten step process for making disciples.   However, when Jesus told the disciples to “go and make disciples of all the nations,” I have a strong feeling they knew how to do what he was talking about.  After all, they had been discipled by Jesus and observed first-hand “the way” Jesus turned them into one of His disciples!  I have posted briefly some of the discipleship principles we see Jesus live out, a full message on the subject, and the crazy “Turtleman Video” illustration here. But how can… Read More »Discipleship Tool: Life Transformation Groups

Meeting Ideas (Part 1)

I wanted to share some abbreviated notes from Frank Viola’s book Finding Organic Church.  Perhaps it may encourage you as we “learn how to meet” together in our simple churches.  Please note that, to my knowledge, the Frank Viola that wrote this book is not the same Frank Viola that played for the Mets and signed the ball above. Chapter 15:  Learning How To Meet : Meeting Content 1) Sing Together – without instruments, without a song leader or a music leader, learn lots of new songs together. 2) Share Together – Viola suggests the following “share together” exercises for… Read More »Meeting Ideas (Part 1)