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Posts that include videos related to simple church. A great place to start if you are seeking to learn more!

NBC News Report – 9% Protestants Attend House Church Only

(On 10/21/10) Brian Williams on NBC’s Nightly News reported that, at a time when the Crystal Cathedral in California is filing for bankruptcy, 9% of American Protestants now attend only house church. This is an estimated 6-12 million people. (See the link below.) interesting extra footage:

“A Vision For Being The Church” UPDATE

I am updating those involved with the orientation class, “A Vision for Being The Church.”  I’ve been so excited and encouraged by all of you as we have explored the vision for this new work in our community.  Here is a brief summary of our discussion: CORE VALUES IDENTIFIED SO FAR Week 1:  Community: The church is the community of believers who are “called out” to be the physical representation of Christ to the world.  The church is not a building or a service. Week 2:  Mission: The purpose of the church is to 1) love God and 2) love… Read More »“A Vision For Being The Church” UPDATE

Promo Video

Click “Promo Video” above to check out this short little video we put together highlighting the rational for the new “church plant” we are involved in!

A “new” kind of church…

I love satire.  I think think satire has a way of making you laugh and think at the same time.  “Why is this so funny?” is usually what videos like this end up making you ask yourself.  So… why is this so funny? [youtube=]