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Missional Church

8 Ways To Start A Simple Church

There is no formula for how to start a simple church.  The Holy Spirit must be the Initiator and Leader if a real church community is to be birthed.  Even still, I have seen several ways God can use you to give birth to a new simple church family! 1. LTG – As you and a friend or two begin a Life Transformation Group (LTG) and you see that LTG multiply into two LTGs, a simple church can be formed. It’s logical and natural that you say, “why don’t we all share a meal together?” If married, the husband’s and… Read More »8 Ways To Start A Simple Church

How Would You Answer?

“I really want to start following Jesus…what should I do?”  If a friend asked you this question today, how would you respond?  For me this scenario highlights the “church” paradigm shift that has transpired in my life and touches on a key reason why I believe so strongly in the simple church journey. For most of my life, I have thought the appropriate response to a disciple would look a little like this checklist: –“Find a good church”–maybe mine, maybe another if it would be a better fit. –Set up a meeting with the pastor of the church to talk… Read More »How Would You Answer?

Mega House Church (Rap)

Most of my life I have enjoyed satire.  Satire will often seek to approve of or accept as normal ideas that the satirist is actually seeking to attack.  Such is the case in this goofy song that applies attractional, hierarchical, personality driven, pulpit centered, church growth, clergy/laity ideas to simple/house/organic church ministry.

Mission Possible? (Audio)

This past Sunday I had the privileged to speak during both services at First Alliance (Lexington, KY).  The message I shared was in many ways a summary of the main truths that God has shown me so far in the simple church journey. Click the link below to download to your computer or listen online to the message.  The audio quality is not the best but hopefully it will be a blessing to you… Click to Download:  Mission Possible:  Six Truths That Will Make the Mission Possible Message Points: 1.  It’s Mission Not Missions 2. God Desires To Release the… Read More »Mission Possible? (Audio)


“As the Father has sent me so I am sending you.” John 20:21 Currently, the Lord is reminding me to live sent.  The Father sent Jesus to the World.  He sent the Holy Spirit to us.  Jesus sent out the 12 and the 70.  Now he sends us to go and make disciples.  I am amazed at how easily I have strayed from this truth, especially since the heart of Simple Church is this: We all are priests sent into the world to make disciples. “Church” emerges organically when and where disciples are multiplied. I know and understand this, yet… Read More »Go

“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

  Main Session 2 (Neil Cole)  “Exponential growth starts small but builds to rapid momentum in time.” (Neil Cole) “Movements are most vulnerable in the beginning.  Why? The seduction of addition. 2. Corrupted DNA and 3. Leadership dependency issues” “We have to enter in and challenge the structures that are ungodly” Note: You can hear some of the lessons today shared this great video: 10 Easy Steps to Move from a Movement to a Monument (Rob Wagner) I really enjoyed much of what Rob had to share.  He talked about the “three lenses” that they are seeing the church… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

What Are Missional Communities?

A short great explanation of what missional community is all about.  As we are in the beginning stages of this new work, I have a growing sense that a missional mindset (see core values blog post) must be present from the beginning.  I continue to pray that each person individually and each simple church collectively would have a “focus on the harvest.” [vimeo]