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Neil Cole

Our Role and God’s Role

Can you cause a person to grow spiritually?  When it comes to disciple making, what is our responsibility?  At a recent Greenhouse Training event hosted by CMA Resources, we examined the following text from Mark 4: 26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon… Read More »Our Role and God’s Role

“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

  Main Session 2 (Neil Cole)  “Exponential growth starts small but builds to rapid momentum in time.” (Neil Cole) “Movements are most vulnerable in the beginning.  Why? The seduction of addition. 2. Corrupted DNA and 3. Leadership dependency issues” “We have to enter in and challenge the structures that are ungodly” Note: You can hear some of the lessons today shared this great video: 10 Easy Steps to Move from a Movement to a Monument (Rob Wagner) I really enjoyed much of what Rob had to share.  He talked about the “three lenses” that they are seeing the church… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Day 2 Blog

“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)

Well sort of a live blog… I’m going to attempt to post insights I gather from the conference below. I’m not completely sure if this will work so hang with me. 11:24AM – heading out from hotel.  Looking forward to the day and all the the Lord is going to teach us.  Marylin Walker just arrived and we got our entire crew together now!  A couple of websites to take note of on the conference and on Exponential in general: 8:54PM – Well the whole “live blog” thing really didn’t work very well.  Couldn’t figure out how to… Read More »“Exponential Conference” Live Blog (Day 1)

Movement to Monument

This is the video we watched during our Sunday morning network gathering.  Neil raises many of the issues we have addressed over the last 6 months in a clear and concise manor.  I would encourage every simple church to take time to watch and discuss the points addressed in this video.  I have typed out the 10 steps for going from a “movement to a monument” that are identified in the video as they were a little hard to read on the slides.  They are as follows: 1.  From Biblical Priorities to Non-Biblical Priorities – valuing methods and traditions sacred… Read More »Movement to Monument

Upside-Down Leadership (Video)

Yesterday in our network gathering we watched the video below and had a lively discussion about all that is addressed.  If you are involved with us or interested in simple church (or leadership in general), then I would highly recommend that you watch this video.  I’m very grateful to the people at House2House for putting this together as it does an excellent job explaining what leadership in “simple church” is all about.  Indeed, your leadership is truly a gift to the body of Christ!

What is Organic Church?

Authors Neil Cole and Frank Viola  have both been involved in organic/house/simple church for some time and while they share many core beliefs about “organic church,” they do see it a bit differently.  Recently they took time to sit down together and address the question: “What is organic church?”  I’d be interested in your thoughts on what they have shared.  Feel free to share in the comment section below after reading.  Enjoy! CLICK TO READ ARTICLE

Neil Cole: Short Audio Teachings

I would encourage you to take a listen to some of these short audio teachings from Neil Cole.  You can listen to them on your computer or download them to your ipod, etc.  I think you will especially find the entry on “Starting Awakening Chapels” (4:50) to be of interest in light of the journey we are on here. VISIT AUDIO PAGE AT CMA RESOURCES HERE