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Stories From The Harvest

By Kaleb and Kate Phillips God has been doing work, and the enemy has been on the attack. I wish I could describe and explain all of the ways that God has orchestrated events in our lives and ministry over the past several weeks and months, but honestly, I’m still pretty overwhelmed. We have been, and are still, facing a lot of darkness. Sometimes it feels like we’re completely in the dark. Sometimes it feels more like drowning. Literally, we have been facing such heavy spiritual attacks that we are experiencing physical symptoms. Last night in our house church our… Read More »Stories From The Harvest

2017 Thoughts

2017 Thoughts By Gavin Duerson As we begin this new year, I am as convinced as ever that the Lord will continue to grow the network of simple church-minded folks and even grow new networks all around us!  To be sure, it’s not about growth for the sake of growth, but about seeing more and more people connected to Jesus and His family!  Because I believe that Jesus and His Church is the only real hope of this world, I long for as many people as possible to find Him and the Spirit-filled life that He longs for us all… Read More »2017 Thoughts

“Direction” for 2014

For many of us who started simple church here in Central Kentucky, the idea of a “word” for the year is familiar; asking God to place a word on our heart that He wants to serve as a theme for the coming year. Many people have had interesting stories of how God has spoken to them through this practical exercise over the years. This morning as I was meeting with a friend, I believe that God showed me my word for 2014–Direct. This word flows into everything that He seems to be saying to me presently about simple church and… Read More »“Direction” for 2014

My Hope America With Billy Graham (Update)

UPDATE: Hello folks!  Below is information about how you can order (for free) the DVD with Billy Graham’s new recorded message he has done for the “My Hope” nationwide outreach this November that he is heading up.  Clicking the link will also take you to the website to learn more about this opportunity which I think many in simple church will find to be a natural, relational, and intentional way to go about sharing the Gospel with our friends and neighbors.  Note there are several other gospel presentation videos available online that you could show at your “Mathew Party” that… Read More »My Hope America With Billy Graham (Update)

Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

  I have a close friend who regularly encourages and challenges me in my walk with Jesus.  Not only has he helped me greatly to understand what “church” can look like outside traditional walls, but he continually encourages me to consider the opportunities that America affords believers in the task of global evangelization.  After living in the Arab world off and on over the past several years, he has discovered one of the most effective means for initiating relationships and Gospel conversations with Muslims is… Facebook! Below is a document he is making available for anyone who would like to… Read More »Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

What Are Missional Communities?

A short great explanation of what missional community is all about.  As we are in the beginning stages of this new work, I have a growing sense that a missional mindset (see core values blog post) must be present from the beginning.  I continue to pray that each person individually and each simple church collectively would have a “focus on the harvest.” [vimeo]