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“Church At The Place” Testimony

The following is a story from Kaleb and Kate’s most recent update. Their group started calling their simple church “Church At The Place.”  You can read the entire newsletter, hear about some amazing things God is up to, as well as know how to pray for and support their simple church’s outreach to local young adults and youth here.  You can also see videos of recent baptisms on Kaleb’s Facebook page here.  ————- JP is a young man who has come to our Wednesday night simple church several times over the past two years, but last month he showed up after being… Read More »“Church At The Place” Testimony

Encouragements (5.7.15)

Just a few encouragements I want to pass along… –Brice Burton (originally from Somerset and now living Tacoma, Washington) joined our 1st Wednesday of the Month Google Hangout and shared of how he and his wife Becca have been really invested in a pub in their neighborhood. They now have a community of 20 or so “not-yet believers” that they meet with every Monday. They are starting to see many of those folks take interest in their home gathering and Life Transformation Groups. –I am excited for a young family in Elizabethown, Ky that is patiently and faithfully taking steps… Read More »Encouragements (5.7.15)