Keep It Simple Podcast Relaunch!
We are relaunching our simple church podcast, “Keep it Simple!” Here is how you can listen in as we seek to better help new folks join in the simple/organic/house church adventure!
Posts linking to teachings from the simple church alliance or other encouraging sources.
We are relaunching our simple church podcast, “Keep it Simple!” Here is how you can listen in as we seek to better help new folks join in the simple/organic/house church adventure!
There are a lot videos floating around that aid in explaining simple church and house church ideas. We’ve gathered several here on this website. This particular video pulls from a few of my favorites. I also like the presenters thought about how simple churches can multiply… be in two simple churches at the same time! I’m interested in your thoughts on this idea. In some ways I think that the first “community” someone would be involved in could be something like a “Life Transformation Group” or a smaller disciple-making relationship of two or three. Nonetheless, I think he does a… Read More »A Good Video Explaining Simple Church
Below Gavin Duerson shares the vision of the Simple Church Alliance and challenges simple church leaders to consider how specifically God is asking them to live out the Great Commission. We would love to hear from you about how you are led to answer the questions Gavin asks in the video! Please email us at
Are we crazy for believing the stories in the Bible? Are we to be pitied more than all men (as the Bible itself suggests we are if the stories are not true)? Is it more reasonable to believe that, like in the telephone game, the story we have down on paper is nothing like what really happened in the beginning? In a recent conversation with a friend about the reliability of the Bible, the telephone game argument came up. I really appreciated the honesty of my friend in sharing his doubts. The truth is that he simply was articulating a… Read More »The Telephone Game and the Reliability of the Gospels
In our “Introduction” section we have included a few of our favorite videos that explain what simple church is, how it functions, and why we feel it’s important to encourage in the region. I recently added the video below to the list. Perhaps it can help you to better understand what simple church is all about and serve as a tool for you when sharing the idea with friends and family?
Salmon Khan has stumbled upon ideas about learning that many in simple church have discovered as well. As classrooms get “flipped” by tools such as the Khan Academy, imagine the possibilities of “flipping” church as well!
This is part three of Erik’s video series on simple church. Here he addresses the question, “Why start Simple Churches?” I appreciate the simplicity in which Erik explains “church” as a natural result of disciples making disciples–which God desire to do through every follower of his. It is simple and natural to see groups of disciples coming together to follow Jesus in community with each other.
Tom Lecompte and I have started a new free podcast. It is live now on iTunes at the links below. Our hope is that we can encourage those searching for life with Christ outside traditional church structures through this audio format. We are starting with some of the basic questions and sharing our stories about the journey God has us on. If you are an audio person, perhaps it will be a blessing to you as you work out what it means to follow Jesus and be apart of His family in our day. Please email us any feedback or… Read More »Keep It Simple Podcast Now Available!
Check out the video below and hear Lecrae echo our plea to end the sacred/secular divide and truly embrace the “priesthood of all believers” (I have actually used the “JV” analogy he uses in the talk many times to address this issue. It is always amazing to see how God puts the same ideas, even same words, in the hearts of people from different places and different backgrounds.) and call believers to live as missionaries within their given cultural context. I am convinced that the number one challenge for existing simple/house/organic churches is to continue heeding this call. Failure to… Read More »Lecrae on Engaging Culture (Video & Free Album)