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Posts linking to teachings from the simple church alliance or other encouraging sources.

Keep It Simple Podcast Now Available!

Tom Lecompte and I have started a new free podcast.  It is live now on iTunes at the links below.  Our hope is that we can encourage those searching for life with Christ outside traditional church structures through this audio format.  We are starting with some of the basic questions and sharing our stories about the journey God has us on.  If you are an audio person, perhaps it will be a blessing to you as you work out what it means to follow Jesus and be apart of His family in our day.  Please email us any feedback or… Read More »Keep It Simple Podcast Now Available!

Lecrae on Engaging Culture (Video & Free Album)

Check out the video below and hear Lecrae echo our plea to end the sacred/secular divide and truly embrace the “priesthood of all believers” (I have actually used the “JV” analogy he uses in the talk many times to address this issue.  It is always amazing to see how God puts the same ideas, even same words, in the hearts of people from different places and different backgrounds.) and call believers to live as missionaries within their given cultural context. I am convinced that the number one challenge for existing simple/house/organic churches is to continue heeding this call.  Failure to… Read More »Lecrae on Engaging Culture (Video & Free Album)

2013 Simple Church Conference Audio Available!

Hello friends! I’m still pumped from the 2013 Simple Church Conference and our first ever local church leaders breakfast!  It was really wonderful to have Neil Cole with us and I can’t say enough how much I appreciate his example of genuine servant leadership and teaching about Jesus. If you missed the conference then we have good news!  Below is a link to our conference page and we have uploaded all the talks and testimonies as well as a few of the video illustrations that he used. You can stream or download the entire conference! Also, the second Wednesday… Read More »2013 Simple Church Conference Audio Available!

Baptizing The Imagination

Listen to some very thought provoking talks from a recent conference on the importance of the imagination in the live of a believer and in the Kingdom of God.

Free Online “Soul Care” Class with Dr. Larry Crabb

Do you ever feel paralyzed when a friend or acquaintance shares a personal struggle with you?  Do you find yourself feeling unsure of how to respond to hurts and wounds that are exposed in your simple church community? I wanted to point out a free online course, Soul Care 101, for anyone desiring to invest some time in becoming a better listener, counselor, and friend to those in our lives who share struggles with us.  Dr. Larry Crabb says that “Soul Care” is something that every Christian needs to be able to give.  Personally, I see “soul care” as another… Read More »Free Online “Soul Care” Class with Dr. Larry Crabb

From Ordinary to Extroardinary: A note on the “Launch” (Audio)

A note on last Sunday’s official “launch” from First Alliance: I am very grateful to First Alliance Church for their encouraging words and support over the past year and a half and especially this past Sunday.  I only hope that ALL who are part of simple church felt encouraged and commissioned as Karla and I did.  My hope and prayer was that the focus of the “send off” was on Jesus and His call to all of us to go and make disciples.  I believe that for disciples and simple churches to multiply a bottom up, grassroots movement, must occur. … Read More »From Ordinary to Extroardinary: A note on the “Launch” (Audio)

Making The Call – Part 1

I recently shared some of my thoughts on calling others to faith in Christ at First Alliance Church in Lexington. As always my message (which you can listen to by clicking here) was primarily directed toward me.  What a tremendous relief it truly is to realize that our job is simply to proclaim the Good News and not to “save” people!  What an encouragement it is to truly realize that we can’t “loose” when we share our faith out of love!  Even if we are rejected for being a witness, we are blessed! 1 Peter 4:14 “If you are rejected… Read More »Making The Call – Part 1

What Is A Disciple And How Do We Make Them? (Part 2)

This past Sunday I took the opportunity when speaking at First Alliance Church and the Simple Church Fall Celebration to answer two crucial questions that any follower of Jesus would do well to answer. The questions, which I addressed previously here, are:  1)What is a Disciple? 2)How do we make disciples? You can listen to the message entitled The Dirty D Word: D#$%@!&*%@! in your browser by  CLICKING HERE You can download the message entitled The Dirty D Word: D#$%@!&*%@! in mp3 format by CLICKING HERE In the message I define a disciple as someone who loves Jesus, hears Jesus, and… Read More »What Is A Disciple And How Do We Make Them? (Part 2)

The Word of Christ

Colossians 3:16 Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Does the word of Christ dwell richly in you?  This was the question I posed to those attending the Summer Celebration Gathering a few weeks ago.  For simple church to work, the bar for discipleship truly has to be raised.  We cannot simply lower the bar for having church gatherings.  Everyone has to be disciples and making disciples simultaneously.  I’ve thought about this… Read More »The Word of Christ