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Is God Counting?

What if God is not counting our sins against us? This seems like a silly question, because if you are reading this, there is a good chance you are a Christian, and you would know to say to me, “Of course He is not counting our sins against us!”  However, if an adulterer was sitting in front of you, would you say, “Good news!  God does not count your sins against you!”  Perhaps you may not be so sure that He is not counting in such a situation?  He is only not counting the sins of those who have first… Read More »Is God Counting?

Not Officially Hosting House Church Anymore

I recently received and email from a woman that I had contact with several years ago when I was seeking to connect with others in Kentucky exploring simple/house/organic church.  She was trying to host a house church in her rural Kentucky home.  I thought this “update” was very interesting… not the least for the fact that she was no longer “officially hosting a house church anymore.” You know, I am not officially hosting a house church anymore. I really enjoyed that season of my life, but several of our families moved away and it just seemed like the season was… Read More »Not Officially Hosting House Church Anymore

8 Ways To Start A Simple Church

There is no formula for how to start a simple church.  The Holy Spirit must be the Initiator and Leader if a real church community is to be birthed.  Even still, I have seen several ways God can use you to give birth to a new simple church family! 1. LTG – As you and a friend or two begin a Life Transformation Group (LTG) and you see that LTG multiply into two LTGs, a simple church can be formed. It’s logical and natural that you say, “why don’t we all share a meal together?” If married, the husband’s and… Read More »8 Ways To Start A Simple Church

“Direction” for 2014

For many of us who started simple church here in Central Kentucky, the idea of a “word” for the year is familiar; asking God to place a word on our heart that He wants to serve as a theme for the coming year. Many people have had interesting stories of how God has spoken to them through this practical exercise over the years. This morning as I was meeting with a friend, I believe that God showed me my word for 2014–Direct. This word flows into everything that He seems to be saying to me presently about simple church and… Read More »“Direction” for 2014

What Are We Inviting People Into?

When you think about reaching out to others, what do you invite them into? I believe that what is needed in the body of Christ is believers who are willing to generously offer Jesus-centered friendships to others they meet.  Far too often, we encounter spiritually interested folks and we invite them to our “meeting,” our “church,” or encourage them to “get plugged in” to some ministry.  However, for many of us we simply do not know how to practically invite people into a relationship with Jesus.  Often this can be because we simply do not feel qualified or capable to… Read More »What Are We Inviting People Into?

My Hope America With Billy Graham (Update)

UPDATE: Hello folks!  Below is information about how you can order (for free) the DVD with Billy Graham’s new recorded message he has done for the “My Hope” nationwide outreach this November that he is heading up.  Clicking the link will also take you to the website to learn more about this opportunity which I think many in simple church will find to be a natural, relational, and intentional way to go about sharing the Gospel with our friends and neighbors.  Note there are several other gospel presentation videos available online that you could show at your “Mathew Party” that… Read More »My Hope America With Billy Graham (Update)

Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

  I have a close friend who regularly encourages and challenges me in my walk with Jesus.  Not only has he helped me greatly to understand what “church” can look like outside traditional walls, but he continually encourages me to consider the opportunities that America affords believers in the task of global evangelization.  After living in the Arab world off and on over the past several years, he has discovered one of the most effective means for initiating relationships and Gospel conversations with Muslims is… Facebook! Below is a document he is making available for anyone who would like to… Read More »Messaging Muslims: An Evangelistic Opportunity

Is “Church” a Barrier To The Gospel?

Allow me to encourage you with a story about a young man on the campus of the University of Kentucky who has jumped into “simple church.” He began with an announcement in his dorm that there would be a simple church meeting to discuss “church.”

Like A Might Wave: Church Planting Movements (Video)

Below is a link to a video produced by the Southern Baptists explaining church planting movements (CPMs). Essentially, this video lays out why we believe that simple church is in fact a response to what God is doing throughout the world (and yes, here in the USA) rather than a reaction to traditional church structures. We pray that by God’s grace the ten common characteristics identified in CPMs around the world, as highlighted at the end of this video, would also exist throughout the simple churches in our region. May we see something like a “mighty wave” of God move… Read More »Like A Might Wave: Church Planting Movements (Video)