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2024 Simple Church Retreat Oct 19-20

Come to Stanford, Kentucky’s second oldest town this year to connect with and learn alongside simple/house/organic church practitioners from around the region at the 2024 Simple Church Retreat/Conference October 19-20! Since 2012, we have hosted an annual overnight opportunity for Christians asking similar questions to come together for a time of equipping and encouragement—questions like: What is a church really and how simple can it be? What are the challenges we would need to overcome in order to be a part of a simple/house church? Am I even allowed to start a house church and if so how does that… Read More »2024 Simple Church Retreat Oct 19-20

Simple Church Conference / Retreat – October 28-29

Come to Kentucky’s second oldest town this year to connect with and learn alongside simple/house/organic church practitioners from around the region at the 2023 Simple Church Retreat/Conference!  Since 2012, we have sought to host an annual overnight opportunity for Christians asking similar questions to come together for a time of equipping and encouragement—questions like: What is a church really? What are the challenges we would need to overcome in order to be a part of a simple/house church? Am I even allowed to start a house church and if so how does that happen? What are the joys and victories… Read More »Simple Church Conference / Retreat – October 28-29

Simple Church Retreat 2022 (Reg. Deadline Aug 22)

————- SEPTEMBER 10-11 REGISTRATION DEADLINE MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd!  DESCRIPTION Connect with and learn alongside simple/house/organic church practitioners from around the region at this year’s simple church retreat. We will take 24-hours to refocus on what simple church is about. Simple church leaders from the region will be facilitating times of encouragement as we look together into God’s Word, and enjoy meals at the Bluebird Cafe!  Come and be refreshed and encouraged by communion with friends and Christ “In total there are currently (mid 2021) at least 22.6 million house churches worldwide with a total of around 300 million members. They are,… Read More »Simple Church Retreat 2022 (Reg. Deadline Aug 22)

Retreat Wrap-up

On September 25th and 26th, we resumed our annual Simple Church Retreat. Having missed this yearly time of fellowship, gathering with other simple church leaders again at the Stanford Inn at Wilderness Road was so refreshing. We spent the weekend reading and reflecting on a great little book by Henry Nouwen entitled In the Name of Jesus. Almost prophetically, Nouwen describes the kind of leader the church will need in the 21st century–lessons he learned once moving as a priest to a home for adults with disabilities. Kaleb Phillips, a dear friend and fellow simple church leader in Nicholasville, recommended… Read More »Retreat Wrap-up

Simple Church Retreat (Sept. 25-26) Registration Deadline Friday!

“In total there are currently (mid 2021) at least 22.6 million house churches worldwide with a total of around 300 million members. They are, considering all internal and contextual factors, by far the most viral, adaptable and multipliable segment of Christ‐followers globally. If their number continues to grow at a very realistic rate of 20% per year, they will reach a membership of more than 4 billion people within the next 30 years – while most traditional church systems are in overall decline.” – Wolfgang Simson You Are Invited! Karla and I would like to invite you to join us and others from simple… Read More »Simple Church Retreat (Sept. 25-26) Registration Deadline Friday!

2021 Simple Church Retreat (September 25-26)

Karla and I would like to invite you to join us and others from simple church communities across the region this September 25-26, at the Stanford Inn at Wilderness Road.  My prayer is that this time will serve to refresh and encourage you as we seek clarity about what Jesus is up to in our day.  In the spirit of simple church, there will not be long presentations to sit through, but rather conversations to explore and relationships to discover and develop with others whose pursuit of Christ has led them (or may be leading them) outside the religious institutions that… Read More »2021 Simple Church Retreat (September 25-26)

Save The Date: Simple Church Conference 2019

Hello friends! I just wanted to get this date on your calendar… September 21-22, 2019. We will be returning to the Wilderness Road Guest Homes and Rooms in Standford, KY this fall for our 8th annual Simple Church Conference! I hope you can make plans to join us! We will have more details coming soon.  If you are not on our newsletter, please email us to make sure you receive all the latest information on this conference and happenings with organic/simple/house church we are aware of in the region.  Thank you for stopping by and we hope to see you… Read More »Save The Date: Simple Church Conference 2019

How Do You Know God Loves You? (Conference Recap)

“God loves You!” is foundational truth of the Christian faith. It is repeated so frequently among the faithful that it’s almost ingrained in our minds. “Jesus love me this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” is perhaps the first song that many Christians sing to their children. However, how do we really know that God loves us? If someone came to you and said, “Forget the Bible verses.  Tell me why you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God loves you.” How would you answer?

This was the question I posed at the Simple Church Conference this past weekend in Stanford, KY. 

Simple Church Conference 2018

REGISTRATION DEADLINE AUGUST 17TH DESCRIPTION Connect with and learn alongside simple/house/organic church practitioners from around the region at this year’s simple church conference. We will take 24-hours to “REFRESH.”   More of a retreat than a “conference,” Gavin Duerson will be facilitating times of encouragement as we look together into God’s Word, and enjoy meals at the Bluebird Cafe!  Come and be refreshed by communion with friends and Christ!   This year we will be staying in the guest homes at the Wilderness Inn in Standford, KY! Visit Website Here. Children? At every simple church network gathering, we always encourage children to come. … Read More »Simple Church Conference 2018