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Overseas Trip: Part 1: Kazakhstan

It’s extremely difficult to put into words what I experienced recently on a trip to visit leaders in the church and specifically house churches in Kazakhstan and Italy. In many ways these destinations provided a polar opposite experience. Yet many of my take-a-ways from meeting the believers in each place were the same and may have direct lessons for us here in America. In the next few days, I’m going to share about these experiences. Today is part 1: Kazakhstan.  Tomorrow I’ll share about my time in Italy and then a few posts on my take-a-ways from the experience.  I… Read More »Overseas Trip: Part 1: Kazakhstan

Skate Church Hosts Skate Camp For 13th Year

This week, the “skate church” community will partner with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to host skate camp for local skaters for the 13th year!  Skate church has taken on many different forms over the years, as all simple churches tend to eb and flow as people move and life circumstances change.  The annual skate camp serves as an anchor of sorts for skate church and we are excited for what God will again in the lives of the students and adults serving this week. Join us in praying for long lasting kingdom impact on the skate community here across… Read More »Skate Church Hosts Skate Camp For 13th Year

Sending Out the Roberts Family

Shortly after starting Simple Church Alliance, God placed our family right in the middle of a unique simple church community–the skate church with the Roberts family. I met Josh Roberts after hosting a the local skate shop in my backyard for a cookout and skating on our ramp. One of the kids on the team mentioned attending Josh Roberts’ baptism and how Josh’s life had radically changed. I knew I had to meet him.  Less than twenty four hours later, I was sitting with Josh at a local skate park hearing his story of how God grabbed his attention at a… Read More »Sending Out the Roberts Family

Skate Church Trip To Barcelona

Right now, a group a small group of guys from Lexington’s Skate Church and Nicholasville’s Skate Church are in Barcelona Spain, the unofficial skateboarding capital of the world! Read below from Josh Roberts about the trip’s goals and purpose…

Jonathan Wilson, FCA, and Skate Church

I am pleased to introduce a good friend.  Jonathan Wilson, a local Fellowship of Christian Athletes representative, also serves as a leader in simple church. This short video, put together by Providence Church in Raleigh, NC (a church that supports Jonathan’s work with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes), highlights his work in the skate community here in Lexington. He also briefly discusses what simple church at the skate park looks like. You can find out more about the skate camp mentioned in this video here.  The simple church that gathers at the skate park (also known as “skate church”) has… Read More »Jonathan Wilson, FCA, and Skate Church

A Country Ham and A Skateboard (Message)

You can download my sermon entitled “A Country Ham and A Skateboard” from First Alliance last Sunday.  This sermon addresses some key principles for all believers and especially those of us who will will take part in the “new church.” Update:  This message gets into the story of how skate church began in Lexington, Kentucky and how some of the reasoning behind it.