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Posts that include videos related to simple church. A great place to start if you are seeking to learn more!

A Video Message From Gavin – The Simple Church Vision

Below Gavin Duerson shares the vision of the Simple Church Alliance and challenges simple church leaders to consider how specifically God is asking them to live out the Great Commission.  We would love to hear from you about how you are led to answer the questions Gavin asks in the video!  Please email us at  

On Board (Lexington Skate Church Documentary)

Recently, several students at Asbury University visited our Skate Church family to film a documentary entitled “On Board,” for their final class project and I wanted to share it with you. Some of you know how instructive “skate church” has been to me and my family in helping us see clearly the larger vision of “simple church.”  We long to help everyone simply their church life such that they are able to bring Jesus and the experience of following Him together with others outside the building and into the places where people live, work, and play.   I thought this video… Read More »On Board (Lexington Skate Church Documentary)

The Telephone Game and the Reliability of the Gospels

Are we crazy for believing the stories in the Bible? Are we to be pitied more than all men (as the Bible itself suggests we are if the stories are not true)?  Is it more reasonable to believe that, like in the telephone game, the story we have down on paper is nothing like what really happened in the beginning? In a recent conversation with a friend about the reliability of the Bible, the telephone game argument came up.  I really appreciated the honesty of my friend in sharing his doubts.  The truth is that he simply was articulating a… Read More »The Telephone Game and the Reliability of the Gospels

Jonathan Wilson, FCA, and Skate Church

I am pleased to introduce a good friend.  Jonathan Wilson, a local Fellowship of Christian Athletes representative, also serves as a leader in simple church. This short video, put together by Providence Church in Raleigh, NC (a church that supports Jonathan’s work with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes), highlights his work in the skate community here in Lexington. He also briefly discusses what simple church at the skate park looks like. You can find out more about the skate camp mentioned in this video here.  The simple church that gathers at the skate park (also known as “skate church”) has… Read More »Jonathan Wilson, FCA, and Skate Church

Mega Church planting House Churches?

Northland Church in Florida recently caught my attention.  Northland is a mega church seeking to be a “church distributed.”  Their vision for distributing the church, according to their website, is to plant simple churches.  The even have a directly-linked page dedicated to simple church planting that is similar to this site.  Also, you will see a link to a special training site that includes 11 video teachings and notes to help people start simple churches. Here is a video on their churches main website that features the first lesson in their simple church training:   Without question, the Church in… Read More »Mega Church planting House Churches?

Explain Simple Church In 2 Minutes On A Napkin

In our “Introduction” section we have included a few of our favorite videos that explain what simple church is, how it functions, and why we feel it’s important to encourage in the region.  I recently added the video below to the list.  Perhaps it can help you to better understand what simple church is all about and serve as a tool for you when sharing the idea with friends and family?

Why Start Simple Churches? (Video Part 3)

This is part three of Erik’s video series on simple church.  Here he addresses the question, “Why start Simple Churches?”  I appreciate the simplicity in which Erik explains “church” as a natural result of disciples making disciples–which God desire to do through every follower of his.  It is simple and natural to see groups of disciples coming together to follow Jesus in community with each other.

What Do We Do At A Simple Church Gathering (Video Part 2)

In this video Erik addresses the question of how a simple church can be formed and what the church does at a simple church gathering.   He has some very practical ideas and as you can see it is simple.  I love his last point about praying that God would show you pockets of people who are “culturally averse to the American way of doing church” and being available to see a seed church formed.